
Friday, April 12, 2013

Fire Incidents for April 11, 2013

Time: 9:04 a.m. 
Address:  S. 4th St/St Helens Ave
Response: Station 4
Damage Estimate:  $4,100 
Narrative:  Firefighters arrived to find a fully involved fire in the engine compartment of a car. Crews extinguished the fire and there were no injuries to report.

Time: 2:30 p.m. 
Address:  2920 S. Cushman Ave
Response: Station 1,2,4,8,11,16,17
Damage Estimate:  $350,000 
Narrative:  Firefighters extinguished a fire at a plywood manufacturing facility.  See original post here. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fire causes extensive damage to a laminating machine at a plywood manufacturing business

Incident Date:  4/11/13
Issuing Officer:  Joe Meinecke
Incident Location:  2920 S. Cushman Ave.
Incident Type: Commercial Structure Fire

Narrative:  At 2:30 p.m. Firefighters from stations 1,2,4,8,11,16 and 17 responded to a reported commercial structure fire.

The first arriving company found heavy smoke showing from the large commercial plywood manufacturing facility. Crews made an aggressive interior attack with a 2 1/2 inch hose line, and knocked the fire down that had erupted in a plywood laminating machine. Firefighters also extinguished hot spots, ventilated the building and confirmed that no one was trapped inside. There were no injuries to report.

The immediate cause of the fire was undetermined, with the blaze causing extensive damage to the machinery, resulting in estimated $350,000 damage to the building and its contents.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fire Incidents for April 9, 2013

Time: 11:57 a.m. 
Address:  S. 64th/S. Orchard St
Response: Station 7
Damage Estimate:  None 
Narrative:  Prohibited outdoor burn. 

: 1:42 p.m. 
Address:  N. 14th St/N. Oakes St
Response: Station 9
Damage Estimate:  None 
Narrative:  Prohibited outdoor burn of construction material. 

: 11:05 p.m. 
Address:  5926 S. Stevens St.
Response: Station 7
Damage Estimate:  None 
Narrative:  Prohibited outdoor burn.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Requests for Service - March 2013

TFD Incidents by Initial Dispatch Type
TFD - Incidents
2013 (YTD)
2012 (YTD)
Emergency Medical
All Other
(e.g. hazardous conditions, search and rescue, automatic fire alarms)

Fire Incidents 4/8/13

Time: 8:57 p.m. 
Address:  418 Del Monte Ave
Response: Station 2,8,9,16,17
Damage Estimate:  None
Narrative:  Firefighters responded to a reported house fire. Upon arrival, they determined that a pan on the stove had overheated, burned its contents, and filled the house with smoke. Crews confirmed that the fire was out and used a high powered fan to ventilate the residence. 

Time: 9:21 p.m. 
Address:  4332 E. "Q" St. 
Response: Station 2,8,10,11,15
Damage Estimate:  None
Narrative:  Firefighters responded to a report of smoke in a house. Upon investigation, they determined that a small child had stuffed a crayon into a baseboard heater, causing the room to fill with smoke when the heater turned on. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sprinkler credited with extinguishing an accidental fire in a restaurant

Incident Date: 4/8/13
Issuing Officer: Joe Meinecke
Incident Location: 9001 S. 19th St
Incident Type: Commercial Structure Fire

Narrative: At 12:28 a.m. firefighters from station 1,4,7,14,16, and 17 responded to a reported commercial structure fire at the Boathouse 19 restaurant. The first arriving company found a smoke charged building, but no visible flames. After making entry, they found that two sprinkler heads had activated and suppressed a fire that ignited on a counter top in the kitchen area. Crews shut down the sprinkler system, confirmed the fire was out, and cleaned up the water.  

A fire investigator determined that the spontaneous combustion of oily terry cloth towels that were stored in a plastic tub started the fire. Damage estimates were $4,500 to the building and its contents and there were no injuries to report.  

Fire Incidents for 4/5 - 4/7/2013

Date:  4/5/13
Time: 12:25 a.m. 
Address:  801 E. Portland Ave
Response: Station 1,2,4,8,9,12,16,17
Damage Estimate:  $15,000
Narrative:  Crews extinguished a industrial dryer fire at a paper manufacturing facility. See original post

:  4/5/13
Time: 8:10 p.m. 
Address:  2637 N. Pearl St
Response: Station 14,16
Damage Estimate:  None
Narrative:  Firefighters responded to a small trash can fire at a gas station. The fire was extinguished by an employee prior to arrival and crews were unable to locate an ignition source.

:  4/5/13
Time: 10:10 p.m. 
Address:  1944 Pacific Ave
Response: Station 1,2
Damage Estimate:  None
Narrative:  Crews responded to a reported fire in an apartment. Upon arrival they determined that an occupant had burnt toast in a toaster oven.

Date:  4/6/13
: 8:03 a.m. 
Address:  3730 E. "G" St
Response: Station 1,2, 8,10,11,15
Damage Estimate:  $100
Narrative:  Firefighters were called to a reported house fire. Upon arrival they found an arcing baseboard heater. Crews turned off the electrical breaker to the heater and confirmed that there was no fire spread.  

Date:  4/6/13
: 3:22 p.m. 
Address:  4504 N. 9th St 
Response: Station 2,4,9,13,16,17
Damage Estimate:  $33,000
Narrative:  Firefighters responded to a reported garage fire. The first arriving engine company found heavy flames and smoke showing from a large attached garage. Crews worked quickly to knock down the flames that were being fueled by solvents stored in the garage and the fire was extinguished before it could spread to the house.  A fire investigator determined that the failure of an electrical power strip was the likely cause of the blaze. There were no injuries to report.