
Friday, April 26, 2013

Fire Incidents for April 25, 2013

Time:  11:17 a.m. 
Address:  5801 Nanhane East NE  
Response:  Station 3
Damage Estimate:  none
Narrative:  Firefighters helped extinguish a small smoldering tree fire.  Occupants were using a propane torch to kills weeds, and they hadn't noticed the fire had spread from the ground cover to the tree.   

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fire Incidents for April 24, 2013

Time:  2:32 p.m. 
Address:  S 64th/Tacoma Mall Blvd
Response:  Station 2,8,10,11
Damage Estimate:  undetermined
Narrative:  Firefighters responded to a reported brush fire. Upon investigation, they found an approximately 200 x 50 foot fire burning in a heavily wooded area. Crews were able to establish a "wet perimeter"  to contain the fire and then extinguished it. The cause of the fire was undetermined.  

Time:  4:44 p.m. 
Address:  404 N "D" St.  
Response:  Station 1,4,9
Damage Estimate:  None
Narrative:  Responded for an automatic fire alarm, and upon arrival determined that the occupants had burned food on the stove top.

Time:  7:38 p.m. 
Address:  731 S. Mullen St  
Response:  Station 9
Damage Estimate:  None
Narrative:  Firefighters used tank water and a booster line to extinguish small grass fire in a vacant lot.

Time:  7:41 p.m. 
Address:  E. 38th St/E. Howe St.  
Response:  Station 2
Damage Estimate:  None
Narrative:  Prohibited outdoor burn. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Accepting applications for firefighter through May 3, 2013

Just a reminder that if you or someone you know is interested in a career with the Tacoma Fire Department we are currently accepting applications. The deadline for submitting your application is May 3, 2013 at 5:00 p.m.  



Fire Incidents for April 23, 2013

Time: 12:46 a.m. 
Address: 7444 S. Bell St. 
Response: Station 2,8,10,11,15
Damage Estimate:  $1,000
Narrative:  Firefighters responded to a reported car fire. The cause of the fire appeared suspicious, and the incident was referred to Tacoma Police Department for follow-up.

: 2:16 a.m. 
Address: 2100 N Pearl St. 
Response: Station 16
Damage Estimate:  undetermined
Narrative:  Firefighters responded to a fire in a discarded couch that was left outside. 

Time: 2:16 a.m. 
Address: 152 S. 45th St. 
Response: Station 2,8,11,15
Damage Estimate:  undetermined
Narrative:  Firefighters responded to a reported car fire. The cause of the fire appeared suspicious, and the incident was referred to Tacoma Police Department for follow-up.

: 11:10 a.m. 
Address: 6705 24th St. 
Response: Station 1,2,3,8,11,12,17
Damage Estimate:  $81,500
Narrative:  Firefighters responded a reported house fire.  See original post here.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Malfunctioning dishwasher sparks house fire

Incident Date:  4/23/13
Issuing Officer:  Joe Meinecke
Incident Location:  6705 24th St. NE
Incident Type:  Residential House Fire

Narrative:  At 11:11 a.m. firefighters from stations 1,2,3,8,12, and 17 responded to a reported house fire.  

The first arriving company found heavy smoke showing from the side and rear of the one-story 1,058 square foot house. Crews attacked the fire with handlines, ventilated the structure and completed a search to confirm no one was trapped in the building. Two of the occupants were evaluated by paramedics and released at the scene, and a total of five were displaced by the blaze.  

A fire investigator determined that a mechanical failure in a dishwasher started the fire, resulting in an estimated $81,500 damage to the building and its contents. 


Monday, April 22, 2013

Attention Boaters! NO-WAKE Zones have been established in the Tacoma Harbor

Effective April 2013, Ordinance No. 28142 amends Section 4.10.130 of the Tacoma Municipal Code to establish no-wake zones in the Thea Foss Waterway and within 1,000 feet of any marine fueling dock. These changes to the Harbor code are designed to improve public safety and reduce spillage at marine fueling docks.

NO-WAKE Zones have now been established in the following areas:
*The fueling docks located at the Foss Harbor Marina and Youth Marine Center is included within the Foss Waterway NO-WAKE Zone.

Fire Incidents for April 19-21, 2013

Date:  4/19/13
Time: 4:28 p.m. 
Address:  3017 S. Washington St.
Response: Station 17
Damage Estimate: none
Narrative:  Prohibited outdoor burn. 

Date:  4/19/13
Time: 8:37 p.m. 
Address:  945 S. Ainsworth Ave
Response: Station 1,4
Damage Estimate: $5,000
Narrative:  Firefighters responded to a reported kitchen fire.  Upon investigation  crews determined that the occupants had left a pan on the stove.  The contents of the pan caught fire and charred upper shelves, their contents and filled the house with smoke.  Crews removed the smoke and  confirmed that there was no fire extension. 

Date:  4/20/13
Time: 5:46 p.m. 
Address:  E 15th St/"A" St
Response: Station 1
Damage Estimate: none
Narrative:  Prohibited outdoor burn.