
Friday, July 17, 2009

Hazardous Materials Spill - Media Release

For more information please call 253-573-2588.

Incident Date: 7-17-09
Issuing Officer: Joe Meinecke
Incident Type: Hazardous Material
Incident Address: 2807 Valley Ave, Fife WA

Narrative: At 2:46 p.m. July 17th, 2009 Tacoma Fire Department (TFD) responded to a Hazardous materials spill at 2807 70th Ave E. A 540 gallon tote container of Isobutyl Acetate spilled releasing this commonly used solvent.

The first in arriving engine was on scene within 7 minutes. TFD’s Hazardous-Materials crew’s diked the liquid from reaching storm drains, plugged the leaking container and used vapor suppressing foam to minimize the effects of any fumes coming from the product. The product was contained to the area of the spill – with negligible environmental impact.

One business was evacuated during the incident and there were no injuries to report.

Firefighter Response: 25