
Thursday, June 23, 2011

House Fire on South "L" Street Displaces 4 Occupants

Incident Date: 6/22/2011
Issuing Officer: Joe Meinecke
Incident Location: 2551 South "L" Street
Incident Type: Residential Structure Fire

Narrative: At 8:23 p.m. Tacoma Firefighters responded to a reported house fire.  First arriving companies found flames and heavy smoke showing from both floors of the two story wood framed 2,100 square foot single family home.  Crews extinguished the fire with hand lines and completed primary and secondary search and rescue. 

The occupants were alerted to the fire by smoke alarms, and were able to evacuate without injury.  "Thankfully, the working smoke alarms activated in this situation, because given the heavy volume of smoke and fire, this could have easily been a tragic outcome" said Battalion Chief Jolene Davis.

The cause of the fire was unattended cooking, resulting in an estimated $75,000 dollars damage to the building and $25,000 dollars to it's contents.