
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fireboat Destiny rescues one off McNeil Island

Incident Date:  10/13/12
Issuing Officer:  BC Dyre Fudge
Incident Location:  NW tip of McNeil Island
Incident Type: Water Rescue

Narrative:  At 6:42 p.m. Tacoma firefighters responded to a mutual aid request for assistance with a water rescue off McNeil Island in South Puget Sound.

Initial reports were that two people aboard a 14 foot skiff capsized and were stranded in the cold waters off the northwest tip of McNeil Island. Fireboat Destiny arrived in the area and coordinated a parallel search with the Anderson Island fireboat that had just arrived on scene.  After searching for about 10 minutes, the crew from the Destiny located one adult clinging to the skiff, pulled them to safety and helped transfer the patient to local responders.  The second adult from the skiff was able to swim to shore and was found safe on the beach.