
Monday, February 11, 2013

Fire Incidents 2/8 - 2/10, 2013

Date: 2/8/13
Time: 4:42 p.m.
Address: 5412 S. "J" Street
Response: Station 7
Damage Estimate: None
Narrative Prohibited burning of lumber and trash.   

: 2/9/13
Time: 1:11 a.m.
Address: S. 15th & Oakes Street
Response: Station 4,9
Damage Estimate: $6,000
Narrative Generator caught fire in the rear compartment area of a Recreational Vehicle.

: 2/9/13
Time: 4:40 a.m.
Address: 401 N "G" Street
Response: Station 1,4,8,9
Damage Estimate: None
Narrative Crews assisted with smoke removal caused from burnt food on the stove.

: 2/9/13
Time: 4:19 p.m.
Address: SB I-5 at Port of Tacoma Rd
Response: Station 2,12
Damage Estimate: $9,217
Narrative Crews arrived to find a fully involved car fire on the shoulder of I-5.  Firefighters made forcible entry into to the engine compartment to fully extinguish the fire the appeared to originate from the transmission area.     

: 2/9/13
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Address: 1123 E. 53rd Street
Response: Station 15
Damage Estimate: None
Narrative Prohibited outdoor burning in a burn barrel.   

: 2/9/13
Time: 6:52 p.m.
Address: 8436 Fawcett Ave
Response: Station 2,8,9,10,15
Damage Estimate: $7,500
Narrative Occupant started to heat oil in a pan to cook, became preoccupied, and the oil overheated and caught fire.  The fire extended into the cabinetry above the stove.  There were no injuries to report and the fire displaced two occupants.  

Date: 2/9/13
Time: 9:09 p.m.
Address: 4514 N 16th St
Response: Station 1,2,4,9,14,17
Damage Estimate: Minor
Narrative:  Motor vehicle fire (car) inside a detached garage.

Date: 2/10/13
Time: 1:46 p.m.
Address: 1658 S. 40th Street
Response: Station 8
Damage Estimate: None
Narrative:  Prohibited outdoor burning of construction materials.

Date: 2/10/13
Time: 4:43 p.m.
Address: 4907 N. Bristol St
Response: Station 14
Damage Estimate: $1,000
Narrative:  Cooking oil overheated and ignited when an occupant removed the lid to deep-fry some food.  Occupants dumped flour on the still burning pot to extinguish the fire.  E-14 crews used a thermal imaging camera to check for fire extension and ventilated the home from the smoke.  One injury to report, with no transport.