
Monday, August 12, 2013

Large brush fire on Tacoma's Eastside

Incident Date:  8/12/13
Issuing Officer:  Joe Meinecke
Incident Location:  E. 44th St/E. "T" St.
Incident Type: Brush Fire

Narrative:  At 2:36 PM firefighters from stations 2,4,10,12,15 and Central Pierce 6-3 responded to a reported brush fire.  

The first arriving companies found an approximately 250 x 350 fast moving brush fire in a once developed area behind the Salishan neighborhood and Lister Elementary on Tacoma's Eastside. Crews surrounded the fire that was burning in tall grass, scotch broom bushes and trees using handlines and fire engine deck guns, eventually containing the blaze to an area of about 300 x 600. TFD's water tender unit was brought in to assist with a establishing a water supply on one end of the scene and the natural fire breaks created by an old road network helped contain the fire. 

There were no buildings damaged, or injuries to report and the cause of the fire is undetermined.